5 Tips to help find your personal look

Published on: Mar 06 2014 by admin

If you are looking to re decorate your home, there are several you can go about it. In this blog I will be looking 5 really cool way of getting that personal look that you want. To enjoy your home and live in satisfaction it is mandatory to give your home that personal touch. Here are my 5 top tips.


Browse through magazines you like to read. Usually you will always find a sense of theme and moods on magazines which really tickle’s your fancy. I would usually recommend a home decorators magazine in light of vogue or other non related materials. In doing so it will open up the possibilities in which you can indulge in.


Controversial furniture

A lot of the time we have a piece of furniture which we love but always sticks out from the rest. It’s not a bad thing. This furniture or something about it must really demand respect. We think this maybe a starting point. Use that old armchair or that coffee to start you design process and design around it.


Explore as you walk
As you walk down the high street and visit all your favourite window shopping places. Make mental notes of what you like and dislike. This method allows you to determine a more holistic approach to design.


Trial and error

Most want to get it right in one go. Be brave to trial and test colours to see what suits best. It’s very hard to get it right first time.


Brave heart

Be sure to express yourself properly and not to be scared to try ideas out of the box. After all you will be living there.

Filed under: Home

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